Simulator for evaluate the best strategy for grading workers for the assigned tasks.
To start using the simulator you need to supply execution details (Distributions, iterations, initial number of workers etc.)
Create xml file and name it "SimExe.xml", put it in the same location as the executable file (TaskSimulationCmd.exe).
(There is an example file with the bineries you downloaded)
In the file you can deffine the parameters for each iteration execution:
The Execution element opens an execution instructions.
It has folowing attributes:
- InitialNumOfWorkers - The number of workers in the system at time 0 of the simulation
- MaxSimulationTime - The maximal time for the simulation clock The folowing elements are the "Task arrival", "Worker arrival\leave" rates. attributes are:
- Type: The type of the distribution
- Params: The distribution params (each type has its own params format) for example:
- ContinuousUniform format:"mean std"
- Exponential format: "rate"
- All the continius distibutions from MathNet are supported (Laplace, Normal, StudentT etc.)