This is a work-in-progress project for a Movies & TV Shows website, built with modern web technologies and frameworks. Stay tuned for the full release!
- Next.js (Framework)
- Tailwind CSS (Styling)
- ShadcnUI (Component Library)
- Magic UI (UI Enhancements)
- KindeAuth (Authentication)
- Framer Motion (Animation Library)
- Zod(Schema validation for Javascript)
- TMDB API for movies and TV shows data.
- Upstash Redis (Serverless Redis Database & Caching)
- Dynamic Routes to provide seamless navigation for:
- Movie details:
- TV show details:
- Person details:
- Movie genres:
- TV genres:
- TV seasons:
- Season episodes:
- Movie details:
- Browse the latest movies and TV shows using data from TMDB API.
- User authentication and authorization powered by KindeAuth.
- Fully responsive and accessible design.
- Optimized for performance using SSR, ISR, and SSG.
- Dynamic routing with parallel routes.
- Beautiful and consistent UI built with ShadcnUI and Magic UI.
- Smooth animations and transitions using Framer Motion.
- Upstash Redis for:
- Caching API responses to improve performance
This project is currently under development. Updates will be shared regularly.
This project utilizes the TMDB API to fetch real-time data about movies and TV shows
- Rating system for movies and shows.
- Multi-language support.
- Personalized recommendations.
- Dark mode toggle.
This project is developed by Nasreddine Abdellouche, a skilled web developer passionate about building high-performance, scalable, and user-friendly applications. With expertise in Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS, and the MERN Stack, he specializes in crafting seamless digital experiences. His work focuses on performance optimization, responsive design, and modern development best practices to deliver exceptional web solutions.
- GitHub: Nasreddine
- Email:
- Email:
- Email:
- LinkedIn: Nasreddine AB
- Portfolio:
Feel free to reach out for collaboration or inquiries!
Stay tuned for an exciting movie and TV show browsing