This is a kernel module for Raspberry Linux allowing it to communicate with Navio modules.
- Navio Raspbian running on Pi
# Get source
pi@navio:~ $ git clone
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-private $ make
Updating dkms
# Note: use valid version number (in this case 0.6.6)
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-private $ sudo dkms remove rcio/0.6.6 --all
# Note: you can use something like
# $ version=`dkms status | head -1 | awk -F, '{print $2;}' | sed 's/ /rcio\//g'`
# $ sudo dkms remove $version --all
# to auto-detect the current running version
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-private $ sudo dkms install .
Re-launch kernel module
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-private $ sudo modprobe -r rcio_spi
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-private $ sudo insmod rcio_core.ko
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-private $ sudo insmod rcio_spi.ko
Check whether it is alive:
pi@navio:~ $ cat /sys/kernel/rcio/status/alive
# This should print "1"
- gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
- Navio Raspberry Kernel sources (will be downloaded in the next section)
Building Raspberry Linux Kernel
# Download them
laptop:~$ git clone
# Switch to the commit which is stated in pi's uname -a output
# Thus, if
# pi@navio:~ $ uname -a
# Linux navio 4.4.36-a7765e7-emlid-v7+ #41 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 20 18:48:32 MSK 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux
# you have to do
laptop:~/linux-rpi-private $ git checkout a7765e7
# Setup variables and configs
laptop:~/linux-rpi-private $ export ARCH=arm
laptop:~/linux-rpi-private $ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
laptop:~/linux-rpi-private $ make bcm2709_emlid_defconfig
# Make it
laptop:~/linux-rpi-private $ make -j5
Building rcio
laptop:~$ git clone
laptop:~/rcio-dkms-private $ export ARCH=arm
laptop:~/rcio-dkms-private $ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
# Point KERNEL_SOURCE to where they actually are
laptop:~/rcio-dkms-private $ export KERNEL_SOURCE=../linux-rpi-private/
laptop:~/rcio-dkms-private $ make -j5
# Here we should have a bunch of *.ko files.
Updating kernel modules on Raspberry
pi@navio:~ $ mkdir rcio-dkms-crosscompiled
# Point this to your Raspberry's IP address
laptop:~/rcio-dkms-private $ export PI_IP=
laptop:~/rcio-dkms-private $ export PI_CROSSCOMPILED_PATH='~/rcio-dkms-crosscompiled'
laptop:~/rcio-dkms-private $ rsync -vP *.ko pi@$PI_IP:"$PI_CROSSCOMPILED_PATH"
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-crosscompiled $ sudo modprobe -r rcio_spi
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-crosscompiled $ sudo insmod rcio_core.ko
pi@navio:~/rcio-dkms-crosscompiled $ sudo insmod rcio_spi.ko
Check whether it is alive:
pi@navio:~ $ cat /sys/kernel/rcio/status/alive
# This should print "1" again
In case of any troubles
- Double-check all necessary requirements
- Double-check all environment variables and paths
- Try $ make clean
$ make distclean