Patch for SUMO to interface with Persons via TraCI. (Not really a patch, but complete files that a patch can be created from.)
SUMO ( is an open-source traffic microsimulation tool.
A command interface, known as TraCI, has been developed to interact with simulations as they are running. The scripts can retrieve information from the simulation (e.g., time step, location of a vehicle) and also update information (e.g., the destination of a vehicle).
At this point, interacting with persons is not included. Interacting with persons is important if persons need to be told which bus/vehicle to wait for (if it is not determined at the start of the simulation) and if they want to change their plans.
This is a first attempt at incorporating Person objects into the TraCI implementation. Some tests are also included.
This release (based on SUMO 0.20.0) includes the following commands:
- id list (0x00): returns a list of ids of all persons currently running within the scenario
- count (0x01): returns the number of persons currently running within the scenario
- road id (0x50): returns the id of the edge the named person was at within the last step
- stage (0x69): returns the current stage of the named person (walking, waiting, driving)
VAR_STAGE is a new command added to TraCIConstants.h.
Future work:
- updating the TraCI python interface
- including more commands, e.g., wait for (which I've added and tested in \0.18.0, but haven't updated here), changing plans