An application created to identify a face from an image url, which stores the user’s information within their own personal account. Built with a React front end, using the Clarifai face detection API, and a back end comprising of a node.js server and PostgreSQL database. Security features include password hashing using the bcrypt npm package and utilising Heroku’s environment variables to securely store the Clarifai API key.
This application is hosted on Heroku.
Face Detection Application Front End
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- Click 'fork' at the top of this repository
- Clone down your fork using
git clone
- Create a new branch with a suitable name
- Experiment and make your changes
- Push your new branch and changes up to your fork of the repository
- Go to your branch in your repository on GitHub, and click the green 'New pull request' button (making sure the base fork is set to narocroc123/smart-brain-api)