sample java serverless applications that uses aws lambda and aws sns, aws sqs, aws dynamodb
Demo app and JUnit tests illustrating the most useful concurrency mechanisms in Java
Demo for presenting Spring Cloud Stream and RabbitMQ
Demo applications and Kubernetes manifests for illustrating blue-green deployment strategy with database schema changes using tools like Liquibase and Istio
This repository shows the most interesting Spring Boot features
sample spring cloud application that integrates with rabbitmq through spring cloud stream framework as shows how to setup message-driven microservices basing on publish-subscribe model, consumer gr…
Spring Boot Demo with microservices that performs distributed transactions
Example microservices showing how to use Kafka and Kafka Streams with Spring Boot on the example of distributed transactions implementations with the SAGA pattern
Demo microservices illustrating how to build use event-driven, async communication with Spring Boot, Redis and Spring cloud
Demo apps showing how to use R2DBC with Spring Boot, Spring Data and Spring WebFlux on Postgres database
A Library for registering Spring Cloud application running outside Kubernetes Cluster
Demo project showing how to express JPA queries with Java streams with the JPAstreamer library written in Spring Boot.
Reddit clone built using Spring Boot, Spring Security with JWT Authentication, Spring Data JPA with MySQL, Spring MVC. The frontend is built using Angular - You can find the frontend source code he…
This repository contains code that demonstrates how to implement Real Time Chat application using Spring Boot Websockets and DragonflyDB Pub/Sub. DragonflyDB is a drop-in replacement for Redis
this repository for microservice pattern such as (SAGA- CQRS & Event Driven-Architecture)
this repo for cover lot of concept about java concurrency and parallelism and related OS concept
intent of this repo is be resource for learn cache concept and implementation such as in memory and distribute
this repo for learning search engine such as elk and web search engine concept such as google to grow knowledge of software engineering
Demo - Saga Pattern Microservice Spring Boot 3
Source backend for website/mobile about electro, e-commerce using Java, using multi-language (EN, VI), and today's popular technologies
The goal is to explore Axon. We will develop a food-ordering app comprising 3 Spring Boot applications: customer-service, restaurant-service, and food-ordering-service. These services are implement…
🐚 Use your terminal shell to do awesome things.
DevOps Zero-to-Hero Tutorial
Generates an SVG graph of GitHub commit activity by hour for given repos or all repos for a given GitHub account, and optionally filtered to a specific user
Large Tech Knowledge Base from 20 years in DevOps, Linux, Cloud, Big Data, AWS, GCP etc - gradually porting my large private knowledge base to public
50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - DevOps, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra,…
Dumps GitHub Actions Contexts from different triggers. Useful for seeing undocumented context fields to use in workflows
SQL keywords and built-in functions for most major RDBMS, MPP SQL & NoSQL systems - MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Presto / AWS Athena, Redshift, Snowflake, Apache Drill, Hive, Impala, Cass…
arash691 / Microservices-with-Spring-Boot-and-Spring-Cloud-2E
Forked from PacktPublishing/Microservices-with-Spring-Boot-and-Spring-Cloud-2EMicroservices-with-Spring-Boot-and-Spring-Cloud-2E, Published by Packt