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Nariman Bortov edited this page Jul 6, 2023 · 4 revisions


import { Pagination } from '@narimanb/wreactui'


The base Pagination component have four props: totalResults, resultsPerPage, onChange and ariaLabel.



  onChange={() => {}}  

Total results

The Pagination component know how many results to render using the totalResults prop.

Results per page

The resultsPerPage defines how many results will be shown and how many pages should be created.


The onChange prop gives you the ability to decide what actions should be done when the event of a page change occurs.


The ariaLabel prop maps to an aria-label attribute inside the Pagination component, so screen readers can announce a descriptive message that explains what are you trying to paginate. Is this a table, posts, images, etc. pagination?

Props overview

Prop Description Type Default
totalResults required define the length of the data number
resultsPerPage required define how many results are shown in a page number
onChange required define an action to be called when a page changes function
ariaLabel the aria-label/name of the component string Navigation
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