A genetic algorithm approach of solving travelling thief problem.
The provided dataset consits of 9 different files which are also available in the main zip folder.
Group Members :
1.NARIMAN AYOUBI / nariman.ayoubi@stud.fra-uas.de
2.IFTEKHAR HOSSAIN / iftekhar.hossain@stud.fra-uas.de
Using the code is simple, you just need to select the dataset that you want to have a result from it and then run the code. For our case, we have used "Microsoft Visual Studio - Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current / Version 17.6.2" for running the submitted C# desktop application.
Based on the provided comments on the submitted code, the location of the final results will be always on user's desktop.
The name of the output folder can be changed before running the code (please refer to the comments provided in the main code file.)
Last but not least, the name of the dataset that needs to be compiled using the submitted application can be easily taken from the provided dataset folder in our submitted file. (that is only for ease of use since the dataset naming is a bit challenging to be typed by user.)
Please bear in mind that the submitted code is generating resualts for the first "4 dataset collections" (all the provided datasets from 280 cities and the first provided dataset from 4461 cities). the rest of the datasets (5 datasets) are not having compiler error but the output results are empty.
If you need more clarifications/details, please do not hesitate to contact us using the provided E-mail addresses. We will be more than happy to help.