Quickly ask your friends about anything 🍕🪩🎵🎄
This project is in early development, most of the features are yet to be fully functional.
- 🔗 Invitation-based - hop in with link or QR Code.
- 👑 Prepare your master questions and release them when they're ready.
- ✨ Came up with new ideas? Add some more questions later, everybody will get notifications to check out the poll.
- 👽 No need for registering accounts, just type your name - or don't. Lorem-ipsum names are underrated ✌️
- 🏀 It's real-time!
requires following:
- PHP 8.2 or later
- Web server with FastCGI support (Apache/Nginx)
- Composer
- NodeJS
- MySQL or other database supported by Laravel
Prepare an empty database with dedicated user.
Clone this repository to your server, and point the document root of web server to /public
directory. Run the following:
composer install
npm install
npm run build
Now, we need to let the app know its URL, and the database connection details. Edit following fields in .env
APP_URL=http://your-app-address.com/ # URL that points to document root
DB_CONNECTION=mysql # change if using other DB engine
DB_SEARCH_PATH=public # only for PostgreSQL - database schema
After configuring database, run:
php artisan migrate
php artisan reverb:install
Single container Docker version is planned
To launch WebSocket server for live preview, launch following tasks, and keep them running in background:
php artisan reverb:start
php artisan queue:work
- PHP8.2
- Laravel 11
- Vue 3.4 bridged with InertiaJS
- Laravel Echo for realtime updates