A domain-agnostic and expressive tensor library, containing dense tensor class and BLAS/LAPACK interfaces.
Provides a dense tensor class of a generic value-type (T) with a statically fixed rank (N); Tensor<T, N>.
Provides BLAS/LAPACK lappers directly called by dense tensor objects.
Provides tensor slice, permutations, etc. in terms of tensor iterator such like nditer in NumPy.
- Compiler and Library Dependencies
GNU GCC or Intel C++ compiler with C++11 support
Intel MKL library
Since all classes and functions are implemented in terms of template and/or inline fashion, you can build your code by just including source files such as,
icpx -std=c++11 -O3 -I$BTAS_ROOT/include sample.cpp $LIBMKL
To enable Boost's serialization, you can specify
as,icpx -D_ENABLE_BOOST_SERIALIZE -std=c++11 -O3 -I$BTAS_ROOT/include sample.cpp $LIBMKL -lboost_serialization
using namespace btas;
std::mt19937 rGen;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(-1.0,1.0);
Tensor<double,4> A(4,3,4,5);
// random tensor generation
Tensor<double,5> B(3,4,5,2,2);
// random tensor generation
Tensor<double,3> C(4,2,2);
// filled by 0.0
// automatically call ger, gemv, or gemm by combination of tensor ranks