- La Push
- nanoos-uw: https://data.ioos.us/gliders/providers/operators/nanoos-uw/deployments. Note, as of 1/5/2017, the blank attribution field and absent WMO ID's
- Center for Coastal Margin Observation and Prediction, Oregon Health & Science University: https://data.ioos.us/gliders/providers/operators/Center%20for%20Coastal%20Margin%20Observation%20and%20Prediction%2C%20Oregon%20Health%20%26%20Science%20University/deployments
- Trinidad Head
- Oregon State University (NANOOS/CeNCOOS): https://data.ioos.us/gliders/providers/operators/Oregon%20State%20University%20(NANOOS/CeNCOOS)/deployments
- Oregon State University: https://data.ioos.us/gliders/providers/operators/Oregon%20State%20University/deployments. Note that it should be lumped with the above deployments, but ended up having a different "contributor/provider/operator" string.
- 12/14/2018 note: The current deployment (started 2018-11) doesn't appear under either of those two providers/operators. It's been flagged differently. Look it up under Fred Bahr
- https://data.ioos.us/gliders/erddap/search/index.html?searchFor=NANOOS
- 30 matching datasets (as of 2/4/2017) -- seems to catch all NANOOS-associated deployments! Probably the only system that does.
- https://data.ioos.us/dataset?q=nanoos&organization=glider-dac
- Each deployment record is duplicated (the second set only has ERDDAP services)
- Neither the CMOP nor the Trinidad Head NANOOS-CeNCOOS deployments are listed!
- La Push: http://nvs.nanoos.org/GliderLaPush
- Trinidad Head: http://nvs.nanoos.org/GliderTrinidadHead
- OSU Bob & Jane (old Slocum deployments): http://nvs.nanoos.org/GliderOsuBob, http://nvs.nanoos.org/GliderOsuJane