This is a pet project only, not a production ready app, use it on your own risk.
According to
Lean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting. Participants gather, build an agenda, and begin talking. Conversations are directed and productive because the agenda for the meeting was democratically generated.
This app is a tool that helps organizing Lean Coffee sessions.
- The backend is hosted on Graphcool
- The frontend is a React app, that is written in Typescript and uses
- Apollo as GraphQL client
- Semantic UI as a component framework
- Authorization is provided by Auth0
- The demo app is hosted on Surge
- The continuous integration runs on Travis CI
- Clone the project:
$ git clone
- Go to the directory:
$ cd lean_coffee
- Switch to develop branch
$ git checkout develop
- Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
or$ npm install
- Run the app:
$ yarn start
or$ npm start