Now this is strictly against discord's TOS, silly me was too curious to experiment back then, i wont be working on anything like this :P
Can only host one token now
This bot was purely made for educational purposes
npm i discord.js
npm i fs
npm i discord.js-selfbot-v13
npm i discord.js-selfbot-rpc
after downloading these packages run node index.js
After setting up the bot you need to configure few commands
list of commands -
?ltext [arg]
?setname [arg]
?setstate [arg]
?setdesc [arg]
?stext [arg]
?appid [arg]
?largeid [arg]
?token [arg]
How to use
?ltext - add large text for your game ?setname - set name for game
?setstate - set current state (eg:- in lobby)
?setdesc - description
?stext - small text
?token - add your token which you need the activity in (keep this safe from public)
function getToken() {
let a = [];
return a[0];
paste this in developer console if you dont know to get it.
?appid - get application id from
Images can be uploaded in rich presence in discord developer portal and get its name.
largeid - add id of large image
smallid - add id of small image
Contact Celio#0001 if you need any help
Feel free to make PR's and issues for enchancing the bot