This project developed along the discipline of "Algorithms and Data Structures" at UFMG uses an implementation of the Krushkal Algorithm to calculate the Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph.
The file "input.txt" must contain the nodes and edges of the graph as follows:
The first line must contain the number of nodes and the number of edges of the graph
Subsequent lines must contain the two nodes followed by the weight of the edge between them
The "output.txt" file receives the optimized graph in the same format.
To test this library, just make a clone of this repo and build using the commands below:
$ git clone
$ cd My-MinimumSpanningTree
$ make
Or use this magical one-liner command to make it easiest:
$ git clone && cd My-MinimumSpanningTree && make
To run the program just use the following command line below:
$ ./MyMinimumSpanningTree input.txt output.txt
To see the results of other graphs, just change the "input.txt" file
To clear the project just use the following command line below:
$ make clean