This repo contains output of our paper titled "TTPHunter: Automated Extraction of Actionable Intelligence as TTPs from Narrative Threat Reports". The paper is available at:
Download the Model files using this link
Place the files in a directory and name the directory as "MODEL"
Run the Jupyter notebook
If you are using content of this repository in any capacity, kindly cite this work.
Rani, N., Saha, B., Maurya, V., & Shukla, S. K. (2023). TTPHunter: Automated Extraction of Actionable Intelligence as TTPs from Narrative Threat Reports. In Proceedings of the 2023 Australasian Computer Science Week (pp. 126-134).
Bibtex @incollection{rani2023ttphunter, title={TTPHunter: automated extraction of actionable intelligence as TTPs from narrative threat reports}, author={Rani, Nanda and Saha, Bikash and Maurya, Vikas and Shukla, Sandeep Kumar}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2023 Australasian Computer Science Week}, pages={126--134}, year={2023} }
- Explore the extended research titled "TTPXHunter-Actionable-Threat-Intelligence-Extraction-as-TTPs-from-Finished-Cyber-Threat-Reports". The paper can be accessed at this link. The model, and inference code are available on GitHub at this repository.