Receive random comics updates on your mail every 5 minutes to get updated with latest comics.
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Register on XKCD comics to get comic updates every 5 minutes. you can unsubscribe from our mail any time you want. Our script will also send you an image attachment of every comic.
Important Note : No 3rd party codes, libraries are used in this project. Hence, this code is lightweight and easy to set up and understand. I try to write my code as clean as possible. Also, it doesn't have any security issues.
This Project Follows PHP coding standards
Available On Web.
A few featured of this comic application:
- Email verification before registering
- send comics updates on every 5 mins
- unsubscribe from mail anytime
- Easy to use UI
- No security vulnaribilities.
- No 3rd party codes, libraries are used (Therefore No lib folder created)
- Clone or download the repo
- Turn on your xampp server
- create a new database and save it's credentials in
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'database_user';
$dbpass = 'Your_pass';
$dbname = 'database_name';
- setup cron on
file on every 5 minutes. - add your server email address in
$from = "";
Now This Project will start working
You can unsubscribe from the XKCD Comics server anytime you want with just a single click.
- After email validation, it takes 8-9 minutes to start arriving the mail at your email address so please keep patience.
- After that, every email will arrive at 5 mins interval.