Welcome to the Java Tutorial Repository! This repository contains detailed theory and code examples for various Java concepts. Whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your Java skills, you'll find valuable resources here to help you master Java programming.
- Click on the links below to explore each topic's theory, tutorial and code examples.
- Each markdown file contains explanations, syntax, and use cases for various Java constructs.
- Introduction
- Byte Data Type
- Integral Data Types
- Floating-Point Data Types
- Types of Variables in Java
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Classes and Objects in Java
- Constructors in Java
- Encapsulation in Java
- Inheritance in Java
- Polymorphism in Java
- Method Overriding in Java
- Compile-Time Polymorphism in Java (Method Overloading)
- Runtime Polymorphism in Java
- Interfaces in Java
- Example: Payment System Interface
- Abstract Classes in Java
- Abstract Classes vs Interfaces in Java: A Detailed Comparison
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces Together in Java
- Nested Classes in Java
- Static Members in Java
- final Keyword in Java
- Bank Management System Project in Java (Using OOP Concepts)
- Online Shopping Cart System using OOP Concepts in Java
- Dummy Instagram Project
- Introduction to Exception Handling in Java
- Try-Catch Block and Try-With-Resources
- Finally Block in Java
- throw and throws Keywords in Java
- Custom Exceptions in Java
- Introduction to Java Collections Framework
- Java List Interface
- Internal Implementation of ArrayList and LinkedList in Java
- Java Set Interface
- Maps in Java (HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap)
- Internal Working of HashMap in Java
- Iterators and foreach Loop in Java
- Lambda Expressions in Java
- Double Colon (::) Operator in Java
- Stream API in Java
- Java Stream API: Intermediate Operations
- Java Stream API: Terminal Operations
- Java Optional Class
- String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer Performance Comparison
- String Pool in Java
- Understanding == and equals() in Java
- Understanding the main Method Signature in Java
- Java Tutorial Series
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java
- Exception Handling in Java
- Real-World Projects with OOP Concepts
- Java Collections Framework
- Java 8 Enhancements
- PostgreSQL Series
- Multithreading Series in Java
- Dev Portal Subscribe for the latest Java tutorials.
- LinkedIn Profile Connect with me for more programming insights.
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