python merge_hex.py bootloader.hex s130_nrf51_2.0.1_softdevice.hex booter.hex
./upload booter.hex
==build a package== nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 51 --application-version 10 --application nrf51422_xxac.hex --sd-req 0x87 --key-file priv_key.pem app_dfu_package.zip
python ./dfu.py -z app_dfu_package.zip -a DA:E2:C9:AB:2F:66 --secure
===upload application over the air===
Note: re-enter in DFU mode by pressing side button
Note: to create from the arduino IDE, using Sandeep Mistry his nrf5 core
you have to add this
if (!B1_isPressed & !digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON1)) // if the side button is pressed { sd_power_gpregret_set(0xB1); // write a value to the gpreget register NVIC_SystemReset(); //soft reset the nrf51822 }
an example is included in this repository KX02xxxxxx.ino
OTA DFU nrf51822 smartwatch ID107 arduino
I used a cheap bluetooth 4.0 dongle, and a raspberry pi
I used and stlink-v2 dongle to program the id107 watch (nrf51822) - openocd
----download the SDK 12.3 from nordic
----modify secure_dfu_gcc_nrf51.ld (in this repository)
nRF5_SDK_12.3.0_d7731ad/examples/dfu/bootloader_secure/pca10028/armgcc secure_dfu_gcc_nrf51.ld
----modify components/boards/pca10028.h:#define BUTTON_4 4 //side button watch
----follow this procedure
nrfutil keys display --key pk --format code priv_key.pem > dfu_public_key.c
---- generate private and public key ---- copy public key to nRF5_SDK_12.3.0_d7731ad/examples/dfu/bootloader_secure ---- modify makefile in order to point to dfu_public_key.c
python merge_hex.py nrf51422_xxac_s130.hex s130_nrf51_2.0.1_softdevice.hex booter.hex ./upload booter.hex
---- merge the bootloader (compiled under _build directory) ---- upload the bootloader to nrf51822
nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 51 --application-version 10 --application nrf51422_xxac.hex --sd-req 0x87 --key-file priv_key.pem app_dfu_package.zip
---- generate a package ( sd-req 0x87 is for softdevice 2.0.1 )
git clone https://github.com/dingari/ota-dfu-python.git
python ./dfu.py -z app_dfu_package.zip -a DA:E2:C9:AB:2F:66 --secure
---- upload package over the air!
since I want to use to button on the watch for other purposes -> Buttonless DFU would be handy
This can be achieved easily by reading out a bluetooth service : eg serial port. Once the "secret" code is received the soft-reboot is executed.