CLAS12 HIPO Analyser
Prerequisites, ROOT and clas12root
git clone
cd chanser
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make install
#For some reason to copy the .pcm files this needs run twice...
cmake ../
make install
Note you should set the variable CHANSER to the install directory above
And add the bin to your path
setenv PATH "$PATH":"$CHANSER/bin"
mkdir /somewhere/to/create/my/finalstates
cd /somewhere/to/create/my/finalstates
mkdir Pi4
cd Pi4
Create a script to produce skeleton code for this reaction, e.g. create a file called Skeleton.C with the following code
//skeleton code maker
FSSkeleton s;
//Give your class a name
//Define the possible detected particles in the final state
//where species is given in $ROOTSYS/etc/pdg_table.txt
//e.g Electron:e-,Proton:proton,...
//Define possible topologies for this final state
//Note ',' seperates different topologies
// ':' seperates different particle within a topology
// Here we define 3 topologies, exclusive, 1 missin pi-, 2 missing pi-
//Define short lived parent particles which decay to
//detected particles
//this should not include broad resonances
//But things like omega, phi, Lambda, K0
//':' seperates parent name from type
//';' seperates child particles
//',' seperates different parents
//produce the code
The species names used for particle should be those given in $ROOTSYS/etc/pdg_table.txt.
Now run this script in chanser_skeleton
chanser_skeleton Skeleton.C
You should now have the following files
Create_Pi4.C Pi4.cpp Pi4.h Run_Pi4.C Skeleton.C TreeDataPi4.h
You can check it compiles and loads OK
chanser_root Pi4:Pi4.cpp
Where Pi4 is the name of your final state class.
Please note that all classes are given an additional C++ namespace equal to the username of the person who created the skeleton class. This is to prevent conflcicts when multiusers load finalstates at the same time which may have the dame classname. The namespace means that the full class name will be like dglazier::Pi4, this is required when creating objects of your class in ROOT scripts.
There are 3 main ways to develop this class
Define topology dependent behaviour
Define overall reaction kinematics and other general quantities
Define which of these to write to the output file
To do this we must define the _doForTopo["topology"] function body for each topology we defined. Here "topology" means specific detected particles so will be repalaced with something like "Electron:Proton:Pip1:Pip2:Pim1:Pim2" in the Pi4 example. Each of the particles you defined in your final state will have a data memeber in the final state class associated with it. e.g in Pi4 there are the following declartions in the Pi4 class in P4.h :
//Final Particles Detected
Particle _electron = Particle{"e-"};
Particle _proton = Particle{"proton"};
Particle _pip1 = Particle{"pi+"};
Particle _pip2 = Particle{"pi+"};
Particle _pim1 = Particle{"pi-"};
Particle _pim2 = Particle{"pi-"};
#in Pi4.h
In the _doForTopo functions the particles will be updated automatically and you may just use them directly. These particles contain things like 4-vector information as well as a direct link to the clas12root particle which then gives access to any of the DST information associated with that particle. For example I can calculate the missing mass for the event :
//TOPOLOGY Define your topology dedendent code in here
auto miss= _beam + _target - _electron.P4() - _proton.P4()
-_pip1.P4()-_pip2.P4() -_pim1.P4() -_pim2.P4();
#in Pi4.cpp
Here _electron, _proton etc are CLAS12Particles and so we have to call the P4() function to get their lorentz vectors. _beam, _target and miss are lorentz vectors (although not TLorentzVectors, they are ROOT::MATH genvector LorentzVectors).
Anything prefixed by TD-> has to be included in the TreeData and will be written to the output.
If you had any missing or parent particle you may choose to assign their 4-vectors here or in the Kinematics function. You can use the SetP4 or FixP4, the latter fixes the particle mass to the PDG value and recalculates the energy. In general this will be different for differnt topologies
#in Pi4.cpp
If it anytime you decide that you do not want to keep this event combination you can call RejectEvent(); and return;
This is done in the Kinematics function. This will only be called if previous cuts have been passed (for example from PostTopoAction ParticleCuts).
Some Electron scattering variables are given by default,
//Use Kinematics to calculate electron variables
TD->W=_kinCalc.W(); //photon bem energy
# in Pi4.cpp
Again anything to be written to the output tree is prefixed with TD->
Here the kinematic calculator is used, it can also be used for resonance decay kinematics and other appropriate functions can be added.
//calculate meson Lorentz Vector
auto meson = _k1.P4() + _k2.P4();
TD->MesonMass = meson.M();
//Caclulate X->2K0 decay angles
_kinCalc.SetMesonDecay(_k1.P4() , _k2.P4());
# in Pi4.cpp
Again If it anytime you decide that you do not want to keep this event combination you can call RejectEvent(); and exit the function
if(TD->MesonMass>5) {RejectEvent(); return;} //will not save
# in Pi4.cpp
This is just done by adding data members to the TreeData class. Here it is called TreeDataPi4. Inclduing the extra variables I am using,
//data member for tree branches below here
Double_t MissMass=0;
Double_t MissMass2=0;
Double_t K1Mass=0;
Double_t K2Mass=0;
//example of e- kinematics
//you can remove these if not using
Double_t W=0;
Double_t Q2=0;
Double_t Pol=0;
Double_t Egamma=0;
//Meson stuff
Double_t MesonMass=0;
Double_t MesonCosThGJ=0;
Double_t MesonPhiGJ=0;
# in TreeDataPi4.h
You can now configure an object of this class adding combitorial algorithms, cuts, outputs. There is a template for starting this in the Create_Pi4.C script.
chanser_root Pi4:Pi4.cpp Create_Pi4.C
First you must choose the combitorial algorithm you would like for this conficuration and create an instance of your class using the Make function (this creates a unique_ptr which ROOT is respnsible for deleting at the end of the session,
The first "ALL" => use EventBuilder PID for all particles, other options can be "NONE"
The second "ALL" => particles to be inclusive for (i.e. any number of these particles allowed in the event). alternative "" for NONE, "e-:proton" for inclusive electrons and protons only
auto FS = dglazier::Pi4::Make("ALL","ALL");
#in Create_Pi4.C
Now choose however many of the topologies you have defined that you want to include in this configuration
#in Create_Pi4.C
Choose format for output tree, if none given no output tree written
#in Create_Pi4.C
Now add different Actions.
Note the output tree file is given the name /basedir/username/config_file/FinalState.root , where config_file is the string given to FS->WriteToFile below, username is $USER, and basedir is given in the Run_XXX.C script later as the basedirectory to put all analysis outputs.
For example you can add different particle ID cuts for different particles :
ParticleCutsManager pcm{"EBCuts",1}; //the 1 => cut will be applied
pcm.AddParticleCut("e-",new EventBuilderCut());
pcm.AddParticleCut("proton",new EventBuilderCut());
pcm.AddParticleCut("pi+",new EventBuilderCut());
pcm.AddParticleCut("pi-",new DeltaTimeCut(2));
//register it with this final state instance
#in Create_Pi4.C
Note you can include as many different ParticleCutsManagers in you analysis as you want. For example you could hae one with all particles having DeltaTime cuts of 1ns and another with 2ns.
ParticleCutsManager pcm_dt{"DeltaTimeCuts2",0};
pcm_dt.AddParticleCut("e-",new DeltaTimeCut(2));
pcm_dt.AddParticleCut("proton",new DeltaTimeCut(2));
pcm_dt.AddParticleCut("pi+",new DeltaTimeCut(0.5));
pcm_dt.AddParticleCut("pi-",new DeltaTimeCut(1));
#in Create_Pi4.C
Note the argument 1 provided in pcm{"EBCuts",1}, means that this cut will actually be applied to the data, if this is not included or a 0 is used instead then the cut is just included as a flag in the ouput tree. So in this case "EBCuts" will be applied to the output data, while DeltaTimeCuts2 will just appear as a flag in the ouptput tree with a value equal to the number of particles that past the cut. To set a default cut for particles not called in AddParticleCut,
ParticleCutsManager pcm{"DeltaTimeCuts",1};
pcm.SetDefaultCut(new DeltaTimeCut(2));
SetDefaultCut and AddParticleCut can be used in the same ParticleCutsManager
Or output data related to each particle in the event to a root tree :
ParticleDataManager pdm{"particle",1};
pdm.SetParticleOut(new CLAS12ParticleOutEvent0);
#in Create_Pi4.C
This will output a set of standard detector variables, you may create you own ParticleOutEvent class for this purpose.
You also have to decide where to get the event start time from. See the FAQ for details, but to calculate the starttime for each combitorial from the e- candidate,
StartTimeAction st("StartTime",new C12StartTimeFromParticle("Electron"));
FS->RegisterPreTopoAction(st); //PRETOPO
#in Create_Pi4.C
Ths particle corrections action is used much like the particle cuts. So far only a FT e- energy correction has been included. If you want to use it,
ParticleCorrectionManager pcorrm{"FTelEnergyCorrection"};
pcorrm.AddParticle("e-",new FTel_pol4_ECorrection());
FS->RegisterPreTopoAction(pcorrm); //PRETOPO
#in Create_Pi4.C
See the FAQs for information on creating your own particle correction
At the end you should write to a root file so it can be processed. The clas12_proof processor then just needs this root file to run as it extracts and compiles the source code from the file before running.
FS->Print(); //summarise configuration
#in Create_Pi4.C
To run the FinalState analysis you must add your object and data to the FinalStateManager. There is a template for this copied as part of your skeleton code Run_*.C
Any time you want to change an analysis configuration or your final state class you must run chanser_root Create_MyFS.C, before running Run_MyFS.C.
To set the data file
////Set hipo file to be analysed
HipoData hdata;
#in Run_Pi4.C
To create FinalStateManager and give an output directory
FinalStateManager fsm;
#in Run_Pi4.C
Note all outputs will be written to sub-directories within /output/directory.
To Load your final state analysis objects
fsm.LoadFinalState("Pi4", "ALLALL_configuration1.root");
fsm.LoadFinalState("Pi4", "NONEALL_configuration1.root");
#in Run_Pi4.C
Limit the number of particle of each charge for each event
And run
#in Run_Pi4.C
To execute use chanser_root,
chanser_root Pi4:Pi4.cpp Run_Pi4.C
To take advantage of parallel processing and chains of many files you can use chanser_proof. In place of the previous method o running tha analysis just create a tect file with your class name and object file, i.e. finalstate.txt >>
Pi2 /full/path/ALLALL_configuration1.root
Pi4 /full/path/NONEALL_configuration1.root
#in finalstate.txt
Note you can add as many analyses as you like, and they may be of different classes and from different users.
Create a script to allocate the data files, e.g. Processor.C
clas12root::HipoChain chain;
//chain.GetC12Reader()->useFTBased(); //if you want ot use FT PiD
#in Processor.C
Create processor with list of final state analysis and output directory, remembering your ourtput files may be large.
chanser::HipoProcessor processor(&chain,"finalstates.txt","/out/dir");
Supply some options for the PROOF processing see FAQ for others,
Then process all the files
#in Processor.C
Note if you like you can replace chain.GetNRecords() with any number of records you wish to analyse as long as <chain.GetNRecords(). Typically for clas12 DSTs a record may consist of around 100 actual events
Now you can run this with chaser_proof,
chanser_proof 4 Processor.C
Good Luck.