This script simply runs through the official install instructions found HERE. The script will install XLX along with setting up the web dashboard to view real-time activity. After installing this you will have a private or public D-Star, DMR, and YSF XLX Reflector.
At the start of 2020 a new version of XLX was released that allows for native C4FM connections. This means it's even simpler to run a multi-mode reflector. XLX now natively supports DMR, D-Star, and C4FM. C4FM and DMR do not require any transcoding hardware (AMBE) to work together. If you plan on using D-Star with any of the other modes, you will need hardware AMBE chips.
- Have a fresh Debian computer ready and up to date.
- Have both a FQDN and 3 digit XLX number in mind before beginning.
git clone
cd xlxd-debian-installer
Find a current active reflector dashboard, for example, and you will see the gaps in reflector numbers in the list. Those reflector numbers not listed are available.
systemctl start|stop|status|restart xlxd
- Installs to /xlxd
- Logs are in /var/log/messages and 'systemctl status xlxd'
- Main config file is /var/www/xlxd/pgs/
- Be sure to restart xlxd after each config change 'systemctl restart xlxd'
For more information, please visit: