Java implementation of the Knuth shuffling algorithm.
Main - contains a simple test to create and shuffle the deck
Deck - contains many cards. In the case of this implementation a deck really represents a shoe and the show can contain multiple decks to be shuffled.
Card - contains a card from the deck. Cards contain the following attributes:
- Name - A two character string containing the type (A,2,3...Q,K) and the suit (H,D,C,S)
- Suit - A one letter string containing the suit
- Hearts - H
- Diamonds - D
- Clubs - C
- Spades - S
- High Value - The maximum value of a card. For example, an Ace is considered to have a high value of 11 in Blackjack.
- Low Value - The maximum value of a card. For example, an Ace is considered to have a low value of 1 in Blackjack.