- Basic node.js
- yargs package
- file system
- nodemon
- debug
- async example
- request package
- axios package
- fetch geocode from google
- Web Serveers and Application deployment
- Express
- hbs (handlebars.js) rendering templates with data
- generate SSH key for github(see video)
- heroku(see video)
- promises
- Mocha
- BDD(behavior drive development)
- MongoDB
- RoboMongo
- data destructuring
- Mongoose ORM
- postman
- body-parser
- expect
- Mocha
- supertest
- authenticate
- validator
- jsonwebtoken
- bcryptjs
- socket.io
- material Design Lite
- geolocation
- moment
- jest (testing)
- async and await
- MongoDB
- Promises
- Mongoose
- Promise chaining
- async, await
- Unit test
- Jest
- nock
- request
- request-promise
- bcryptjs