This project provides a Serverless Alexa Skill to control EC2 machines from within your AWS account. Instructions and additional features may come later, project is proof of concept.
- AWS Lambda code (Python 2.7)
- Alexa Skill code
There is currently no detailed instructions as the project is just a proof of concept.
- Visit the AWS Lambda Dashboard and click
Create function
- Choose
Author From Scratch
- Set Trigger to
Alexa Skills Kit
- Name your Function and set the Description
- Set Runtime to
Python 2.7
- Zip up the file in the ConsoleLambda directory and upload as Lambda function code
- Select an existing role with EC2 access and CloudWatch Logs Write access
- Under Advanced settings set Timeout to
10 sec
and Memory to512MB
- Choose
- Configure an Alexa Skill using the contents of the ConsoleSkill folder and the ARN of your above Lambda Function in the Alexa Skills Dashboard.
- Return to the Lambda function and uncomment lines 29-31 and paste your Alexa Skills Application ID on line 30.
*Matthew Van Zanten
This project is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for more details.