User N_m3u8DL-RE to stream drm video
Map follow parameter yourself:
- Start an 8080 port in docker
- video stream cache dir /tmp/cache in docker
- read channel config file /app/channels.json in docker
set env HTTP_ADDR
to your addr
default connect limit is 10, set env CONN_LIMIT
to modify
channels.json example:
"CinemaxHD": {
"url": "https://youraddr/index.m3u8",
"key1": "yourkey",
"key2": "",
"key3": "",
"useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; BRAVIA 4K VH2 Build/QTG3.200305.006.S292; wv)",
"authorization": "",
"proxy": "",
"resolution": ""
"CNBC": {
"url": "https://youraddr/index.m3u8",
"key1": "yourkey",
"key2": "",
"key3": "",
"useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; BRAVIA 4K VH2 Build/QTG3.200305.006.S292; wv)",
"authorization": "",
"proxy": "",
"resolution": ""
These json item value pass to N_m3u8DL-RE
Start docker, browser open setted env HTTP_ADDR
Usage example:
docker run --name=stream-drm --env=TZ=Asia/Shanghai --env=HTTP_ADDR= --volume=/mnt/user/appdata/channels.json:/app/channels.json:ro --volume=/dev/shm:/tmp/cache:rw --network=bridge -p 5590:8080 muziling/stream-drm