We combine an LSTM neural network and the SARIMAX time series model in a joint manner through a unified state space representation. The state space is then solved with particle filtering for parameter estimation. The state vector is entirely comprised of parameters-to-be-estimated, which allows for a single pass solution (e.g., with Kalman/particle filtering) instead of numeric optimization methods with iterative solutions.
Here is an example usage where we wrap the online learning loop of the model in a function and then compare its predictions against statsmodels' SARIMAX on a simulated ARMA process:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_generate_sample
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX
from lstm_sx import LSTM_SX
def filter_lstmax(ys,
sx_order=(1, 0, 0), sx_seas_order=None,
n_particles=100, resampling_thre=0.5):
Wrap the learning loop of the particle filter based LSTM-SX
model. It has 3 phases: update_particles (apply state transition
equations), meet a new measurement and update_weights, and lastly
resample. The "fitted" LSTM_SX model is returned.
# Exog passed?
if exog is not None:
exog = np.asarray(exog)
assert exog.ndim == 2, "Exogenous non-2D"
# Form the model
pf = LSTM_SX(lstm_hidden_size,
sx_order, sx_seas_order,
n_particles, resampling_thre)
# Online learning loop against a data stream
for t, y_t in enumerate(ys):
pf.update_weights(t, y_t)
return pf
## Simulation
# Some AR and MA parameters
ar_params = np.array([0.75, -0.25])
ma_params = np.array([0.32])
# Simulate an ARMA process
n_sample = 100
order = len(ar_params), 0, len(ma_params)
ys = pd.Series(arma_generate_sample(ar=[1, *-ar_params], ma=[1, *ma_params], nsample=n_sample))
# Fit with our model and statsmodels'
pf = filter_lstmax(ys, sx_order=order)
stats_sx = SARIMAX(ys, order=order).fit()
# In sample predictions
our_preds = pd.Series(pf.predictions)
stats_preds = stats_sx.predict()
ax = ys.plot(label="true")
our_preds.plot(figsize=(14, 5), ls="--", label="pred, ours", ax=ax)
stats_preds.plot(ls="--", label="pred, statsmodels", ax=ax)