What's used in this app ? | How to run ? | Author |
Data fetched from the IMDB API and present it on website, categorized for easy access. Users can explore various movies and search for specific movie. User can see first 20 movies but can not access any detail about it unless login. To access more content and watch movie trailer, users need to log in, enabling personalized recommendations and a richer experience. |
Thank you for visiting my project. I hope you have a wonderful experience exploring it, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Movie App (folder)
|-- public
| |-- favicon.ico
| |-- index.html
| |-- logo192.png
| |-- logo512.png
| |-- manifest.json
| |-- robots.txt
|-- src
| |-- assets\icons
| | |-- GoogleIcon.js
| | |-- avatar.png
| |
| |-- auth
| | |-- firebase.js
| |
| |-- components
| | |-- MovieCard.jsx
| | |-- Navbar.jsx
| | |-- Switch.jsx
| | |-- VideoSection.jsx
| |
| |-- context
| | |-- AuthContext.js
| | |-- AuthContext.jsx
| | |-- MovieContext.js
| | |-- MovieContext.jsx
| |
| |-- helpers
| | |-- ToastNotify.js
| |
| |-- pages
| | |-- Login.jsx
| | |-- Main.jsx
| | |-- MovieDetail.jsx
| | |-- Register.jsx
| |
| |-- router
| | |-- AppRouter.jsx
| | |-- PrivateRouter.jsx
| |
| |-- App.js
| |-- index.css
| |-- index.js
|-- .gitignore
|-- README.md
|-- package.json
|-- pnpm-lock.yaml
|-- tailwind.config.js
|-- yarn.lock