This project is activatly developed on GITLAB:
Goal: building a
-small device: 3x3cm
-low energy: last 1 year on 18650 (1xlithium laptop cell)
-cheap under 15€
-tracks the position of your bike anytime it's moving.
Software: see this repositorie (libraries need to be added in Arduino IDE)
-ESP8266 Breakoutboard: Wemos D1
-RFM95 (lorawan modul)
-Lithium Batt Shield for WemosD1
-Antenna on wifi on Lorawan
-1x 18650 Batt ca 3000mAh @ 3.7V (20uA sleep
Techniques used:
future: mqqt
Setup/Configure: Import library Search for "fillout" in WifiScanMail.ino and complete the fields
1.Get the IBM lib running
2.base this readme on a standart
3.but links for hardware stuff
4.add sources
5.creat wiki with all the knownledge I aquired and the why I decided to go that or an other road.
Try to do this always straight away so it is in chronological order.
Sources & Thx:
Feel free to contribute to the project in any way you like!
ATTENTION: This project is activatly developed on GITLAB: