Field Service Engineer | Master's in Data Analytics Candidate | Coding & DB Self-Learner | Homelab Enthusiast
- Field Service Engineer: I work at BD performing onsite hardware repair and remote software troubleshooting of critical hospital medical equipment
- Master's in Data Analytics: I am currently pursuing my degree at Southern New Hampshire University Online in hopes of furthering my data analytical skills
- Self Learning Coder: I have taken online certificates in Python and Java from Codecademeny, and am currently learning C# and SQL.
- Self Learning DB Administrator: I am currently on a learning path from Microsoft Learn to build and develop my skills as a Database Administrator
- Homelab: I currently run a self-deployed TrueNAS Scale server running fully locally. I ensure secured remote access to the server and its several Docker container that are used by user all over the country.
- Languages: Python, Java, C#, R, and SQL
- Tools & Platforms: Docker, Git, TrueNAS
- Operating Systems: Windows, Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Garuda Linux, ZorinOS
- Cloud: Azure
- Data Management: PowerBI, RStudio