Multi-Platform Notification Service (iOS, Android, SMS, Web, Email, N+ Type)
Self Hosted Http Rest Service
- .Net Core 2.2
- MongoDB
- Nustache
- Generic Repository Pattern
- AutoMapper
- FluentValidation
- Hangfire
- Hangfire.MongoDb
Service Request Url: http://localhost:5000/api/Notification/Add
Request Json Body:
"RequestInfo": {
"RequestId": "Test"
"Language": "en",
"TemplateId": "ConfirmMail",
"ChannelCode": "Online",
"ScheduleDate": "2019.08.02 17:50",
"Recipients": [
"Recipient": "",
"Platform": "Email"
"Recipient": "5541112233",
"Platform": "SMS"
"TemplateItem": {
"Fullname": "Huseyin Gulbicim",
"CallbackUrl": "http://localhost"
- TemplateItem can be changed dynamically according to the names of the objects used in the theme.
"TemplateItem": {
"Fullname": "Ahmet",
"OtpCode": "5848",
"CustomProperty": "Custom",