The generator creates synthetic images from random noise vectors. It uses a series of transposed convolution layers to progressively upsample from the latent space to a 32x32 RGB image.
- Input: Random noise vector of size 100
- Architecture:
- Linear layer to reshape noise (100 → 4×4×512)
- Four upsampling blocks with transposed convolutions
- Final convolutional layer with tanh activation to produce normalized RGB output
- Output: 32×32×3 RGB image with pixel values normalized between -1 and 1
The discriminator evaluates whether an image is real or generated. It uses convolutional layers to progressively downsample the image to a single scalar output.
- Input: 32×32×3 RGB image
- Architecture:
- Three convolutional blocks with LeakyReLU activations
- Flatten layer followed by linear layer to produce a single value
- Sigmoid activation to output probability
- Output: Scalar value between 0 and 1 (1 = real, 0 = fake)
Data Preparation:
- The CIFAR-10 dataset is loaded and filtered to extract only cat images (class 3)
- Images are normalized to range [-1, 1]
Adversarial Training:
- For each epoch, batches of real images are sampled
- The discriminator is trained to classify real images as real (1) and generated images as fake (0)
- The generator is trained to produce images that the discriminator classifies as real
- Loss functions: Binary Cross Entropy for both networks
Training Parameters:
- Batch size: 64
- Learning rate: 0.0002
- Adam optimizer with betas=(0.5, 0.999)
- Epochs: 100
- Latent dimension: 100
The training shows characteristic GAN behavior:
- Initially both networks have high losses as they learn the data distribution
- The discriminator loss gradually decreases as it gets better at distinguishing real from fake
- The generator loss initially increases then fluctuates as it tries to fool the increasingly effective discriminator
The generated images progressively improve in quality throughout training. The final model produces plausible cat-like images with recognizable features.
- PyTorch
- torchvision
- matplotlib
# Train the model
# Generate new cat images using the trained model
Architecture Enhancements:
- Add residual connections for more stable training
- Implement progressive growing for higher resolution images
Training Stability:
- Implement spectral normalization or gradient penalty for improved Wasserstein GAN performance
- Experiment with different learning rates and batch sizes
Image Quality:
- Train on a larger, higher-resolution dataset of cat images
- Implement conditional GAN for more controlled generation