This project contains evolutionary algorithms written in Python as an assignment for the course CS-451: Computational Intelligence at Habib University taught by Dr.Saleha Raza. Chromosome representation and results of each problem are present inside the report titled Assignment01.pdf The evolutionary algorithms are implemented to find optimal solutions for combinatorial problems described below:
- Python
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Pandas
Travelling Salesman Problem(TSP) is a widely popular n combinatorial problem that gets more complex to solve through greedy algorithms as we increase the number of cities. It involves finding the shortest path that visits every city only once.
Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is also another famous n combinatorial problem. It involves running different operations of a job on their required machines. The optimization constraint is to use the machines in such a way that the time is minimized.
The brilliantly named problem is not so widely known like the above problem statements. It involves replicating the original image of Mona Lisa using 50 triangles.
The algorithm follows the following steps:
- Generating a random population of population_size and assign them their fitness values.
- Select parents using a parent_selection_scheme.
- Generate 2 offsprings from 2 parents using crossover method.
- Mutate these offsprings according to the mutation_rate probability.
- Caculate fitness of new offsprings.
- Select members to be part of the next generation through survivor_selection_scheme
- Repeat the steps until the end of generations_no
The italicized words in the above algorithm are configurable by the user during runtime.
python .\ p1 p2 .. p9
For a complete list of parameters and their values refer below.
python .\ TSP qa194.tsp ts_4 tr 30 10 50 0.5 10
The following is the list of all parameters from p1-p9 to be supplied to run the code:
- Problem Name: Provide the name of the problem you want to run. In our project there are only three available which are: TSP, JSSP, MonaLisa.
- File Name: Provide the input file name from which the data will be read. For mona lisa provide the original image.
- Parent Selection Scheme: Specify a selection scheme to be used for choosing parents to generate offsprings.
- Survival Selection Scheme: Specify a selection scheme to decide which chromosomes will die out in the current generation.
- Population Size: Initial population size.
- Offspring Size: Number of offsprings to be generated in each generation.
- Generations Number: Number of generations the algorithm will run. This is also the termination criteria for our algorithm.
- Mutation Rate: The probability that each offspring will go through the mutation process.
- Iterations: Number of iterations of the whole process to generate multiple samples for averaging.
The following selection schemes have been implemented with the following abbrevation to provide to call them.
- Random: rn
- Tournament: ts_size, size specifies the size of the tournament
- Rank Based Selection: rbs
- Fitness Proportion Selection: fps
- Truncation: tr