Topic 2: ArgMax in Sliding-Window Aggregation
Group: Harnisch, Philipp; Herrmann, Richard; Muders, Julian
Task: Develop a simple streaming aggregator in your favourite programming language based on the Reactive Aggregator (RA) framework presented in the paper. Limit yourself to the ArgMax operator over a sliding time-based window (some hard-coding of the operator is fine, no parsing of a query specification, etc, is required). Implement the computation of the operator according to the lift/combine/lower functions, but keep the implementation to the bare essentials (neglect the optimizations mentioned in the paper). Run the implementation for a stream of synthetic data and explore the behaviour of the operator when changing the window size.
- Analyze test results (until 30.06.)
- Write report (30.06. - 07.07)
Until June 9, 2021
– Form groups (if not done yet) and submit topic preferences
June 10, 2021
– Topic assignments
Until July 7, 2021
– Work on the project
– No lectures / exercises on June 17, June 24, July 1
– Questions -> Moodle-Forum
On July 7, 2021 (AoE)
– Submission of the project report
By the deadline, submit a PDF report per group with your results in Moodle
Use the VLDB template to prepare your report (Latex or Word):
Using this template, I would expect the report to have a length of around 4 pages, incl. figures (e.g. the experimental pipeline), plots, etc.
Make sure to include names of all group members
Suggested structure for the report:
– Goal and scope
– Applied method
– Obtained results
– Discussion/Conclusion