This module can install and configure zabbix agent [ and the server in future ]
Module to manage Zabbix Agent.
See Usage
- This module module will set the zabbix repository [2.4] and install the latest version of agent
This is a great module to configure your Zabbix agent.
You have three ways to usage the class
- Using default template
class { 'zabbix::agent':
opt_use_template => 'yes',
server => 'your.zabbix.server',
- Using custom template
class { 'zabbix::agent':
opt_use_template => 'yes',
server => 'your.zabbix.server',
agent_template => 'path/to/your/template.erb',
- Using custom configuration
class { 'zabbix::agent':
opt_use_template => 'no',
server => 'your.zabbix.server',
listen_port => "$::ipaddress",
listen_ip => '10050',
start_agents => '2',
server_active => 'your.zabbix.server',
buffers_send => '10',
buffers_size => '512',
OS compatibility [tested]:
- Red Hat family 7+
We're working to support more OS.
See project page at :
- Github:
- Puppet forge:
- Fix metadata dependences
[1.1.0] <-
- Add firewall rule when agent is installed
- Check selinux rules and show a message when it's enforcing mode.
- Review puppet code style and inheritance
- Review Documentation
- Fix inheritance
- Review puppet code style
- Fix default env names
- Add zabbix agent configuration