matcomcat is a Matlab package, intended (initially) as a demonstration of Matlab code used to search the ANSS ComCat Earthquake Catalog. It currently consists of one class, LibComCat, which is a wrapper around the ANSS ComCat search API, and two functions:
- LoadComCat which batch queries ComCat searches to circumvent the 20,000 event limit.
- readcomcat which parses the CSV output by the ComCat web site into a structure array.
This package depends on:
p_json, which can be found here:
To install this package, you can either use git to clone the following url:
or download the zip file of the repository from:
or by clicking the "Download ZIP" button found on:
Any directory created using the above methods should be added to the Matlab path.
To uninstall:
Delete the directory created by any of the above installation methods.
To update:
If the initial directory was created by using "git clone", then you can update by doing:
git pull
in the directory.
For either of the other two methods, uninstall as above and reinstall using your preferred approach.
This class is a wrapper around the ComCat search API: It provides methods for retrieving data from ComCat. getCatalogs - Retrieve a cell array of available product catalogs. lbc = LibComCat(); catalogs = lbc.getCatalogs(); Output: - catalogs is a cell array of available product catalogs getEventData - Retrieve a cell array of event data from Comcat. lbc = LibComCat(); events = lbc.getEventData(varargin); Input: - varargin is a list of parameters and values: - starttime Matlab datenum object - endtime Matlab datenum object - xmin Minimum longitude (dec degrees) - xmax Maximum longitude (dec degrees) - ymin Minimum latitude (dec degrees) - ymax Maximum latitude (dec degrees) - minmag Minimum magnitude - maxmag Maximum magnitude Output: - events is a cell array of event structures, where the interesting fields are: - id: Event id - properties: Structure with a set of event properties - geometry: Structure containing a field called 'coordinates', a 3 element cell array of lat,lon,depth Usage: Retrieve all events greater than 5.5 in the last 30 days lbc = LibComCat(); comevents = lbc.getEventData('starttime',now-30,'endtime',now,'minmag',5.5); for i=1:length(comevents) [yr,mo,dy,hr,mi,se] = unixsecs2date(comevents{i}.properties.time/1000); %unix time stamp in ms etimestr = datestr([yr mo dy hr mi se]); fprintf('%s - %s\n',etimestr,comevents{i}.properties.title); end
LOADCOMCAT Batch query ComCat searches to get around NEIC 20,000 event limit [YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SEC, LAT, LONG, DEPTH, MAG, MAGTYPE] = LOADCOMCAT(STARTTIME,ENDTIME,MINMAGNITUDE) returns results of a global catalog search within the time frame STARTTIME and ENDTIME, for events with magnitude greater than MINMAGNITUDE. [YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SEC, LAT, LONG, DEPTH, MAG, MAGTYPE] = LOADCOMCAT(STARTTIME,ENDTIME,MINMAGNITUDE, [MINLAT MAXLAT MINLON MAXLON]) performs a search within the specified lat/long box. STARTTIME and ENDTIME must be entered in serial date number format, e.g. STARTTIME = datenum('2014-01-01 00:00:00') For searches that will return more than 20,000 events, this code will perform multiple ComCat searches, in series, and return the aggregated results. Results will be sorted in time, from oldest to newest events. Uses the ComCat search API. For more info see: Authors: Morgan Page and Justin Rubinstein U. S. Geological Survey Last modified: May 2015
readcomcat - Read CSV files as generated by ComCat search API. data = readsmgrid(csvfile); Input: - csvfile is a valid filename for a ComCat CSV file. Output: - data is a Matlab structure array, with each element containing fields: - time Matlab datenum of origin time. - lat Latitude of origin. - lon Longitude of origin. - depth Depth of origin. - mag Magnitude of origin. - magtype Magnitude type (Mb, Ms, etc.) - nst Number of stations used to determine the solution. - dmin ?? - rms Root mean square error of ?? - net Contributing network of origin. - id Event id - updated Matlab datenum Time of most recent origin update. - place String indicating location of epicenter. - type Usually earthquake, but may be mine collapse, mining explosion, etc.