My project, chezmahe, is a web based application. The main part of the application ( provides the user
interface. Charts alows the user to view a chart of value in USD over time for any coin in the database.
The Top Crypto page shows the top ten cryptocurrencies by market capitalization from the most recent api call.
Top Stocks is the same but for stocks. Finally, the statistic pages gives some information about the current database.
If a user logs in they will also be able to look up prices, buy and sell.
My running version also has an AI trained with Keras TensorFlow to make it's own trades. You'll see the API info but the AI is not included in this repository.
The second part of the application is a python program that does an API call to and inserts the top ten crypto to the database. You could use crontab to run every hour. My personal site is updated through API, see Usage below.
The database updater uses a coin market cap api key. It will look for your key in /etc/chezmahe_config.json
Get your own key at
Similarly you can get the stock API information here
The preferred way to update the database is by API although you can just use cm_api mentioned above.
Endpoints: 'http://[your_site_name].com/receive', data = jsonData, headers=newHeaders
newHeaders = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': cm_key, 'Accept': 'text/plain' }
The server will be expecting json data with: type, name, symbol, price and date for each coin or stock.
Type: iex (stock) or cmc (crypto)
name: eg. Bitcoin
Ticker: eg. BTC
price: eg. 33000.33
date: pytz format datetime
cm_key: should match your config file. You get to pick it.
To generate a random key in unix tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 13 ; echo ''
For the AI:
urlGet = 'http://[your_site_name].com/current'
urlPost = 'http://[your_site_name].com/prediction'
You'll need to use:
headers = {
'Accepts': 'application/json',
'username': username,
'password': password
as well as 'prediction' for the urlPost.
If you wish to change how the site uses the prediction look at the prediction route. Eventually that will be moved into the 'models' folder. By default it's very pessimistig but my AI hasn't seen a market crash yet...
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!