MathOptPresolve v0.1.0
Merged pull requests:
- DNMY: Port over code from Tulip (#1) (@joehuchette)
- RFC: Integer variable modeling (#5) (@joehuchette)
- Rewrite the termination and solution statuses (#6) (@joehuchette)
- Presolve rules and documentation template (#7) (@mtanneau)
- ensure_integer_bounds (#8) (@BochuanBob)
- Add code coverage to CI (#10) (@mtanneau)
- Translate empty row rule and reduction to apply! interface (#13) (@joehuchette)
- Coefficient Strengthening (#14) (@Anhtu07)
- [RFC/WIP] MOI wrapper (#16) (@joehuchette)
- Add compat bounds (#20) (@joehuchette)
- Compat entries for julia, MOI (#22) (@mtanneau)