Purchasing, a home is considered a key part of the American dream, however, finding the right home can be an extremely daunting task. Capitol Properties LLC has created a simple and user friendly application to aid you in your home buying experience.
Current Version "" Home page includes the ability to serach home properties for sale provided any city and state in the U.S. "" Has a search button that allows user to search by city and state code. "" Will display the first six properties/listings in the city/state code provided by user "" A current picture of the property is displayed or the last stored photo in local storage "" Card enlarges the picture of the property and specifications of property "" Displays specifications of properties price, bedrooms and square-feet
"" Information about Real Estate Agent including broker information "" Potential tools include a mortgage calculator, information on local schools, neighborhoods, crime statistics "" Ability to filter listing search results based on search criteria "" Client testimonials
"" Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) "" Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) "" JavaScript "" JQuery "*" Bulma frame-work (CSS)
"" Geb Berhea gerhea@gail.com "" Sheldon Fletcher email@gmail.com "" Karim Gomez email@gmail.com "" Jamaal Lawson maaliemaal@yahoo.com "*" Mike Sowers msowers72@yahoo.com