- Pure Functions are not dependent on other services or libraries
- In pure functions we won't update the out side variable and dependent on parameter variables.
- We can't use outside variables in side functions.
- Becaues of pure functions only the performance will be increased.
- And a pure functions are only for basic logics.
- If you add api calls inside function those functions not called as pure functions.
- based on parameters only will return output. And always gives same output.
- Im Pure Functions are dependent on other services and libraries
- In Im Pure functions we can use or update the out side variable.
- We can use outside variables and api calls in side functions.
- Im pure functions have side effects and defects.It will decrease the performance.
- We can add any logic inside Im pure functions.
function sum(a,b) {
/** Based on param variables only output will come */
return a+b;
let pokeApiData = []
const URL = 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon?limit=50';
function getPokeApiData() {
/** Creating request */
let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
/** mention type of request and add url */
req.open("GET", URL);
/** Once request done u will get the data by using onload method */
req.onload = function () {
if (req.status == 200) {
data = JSON.parse(req.response);
pokeApiData = data.results
} else {
pokeApiData = []
console.log('Error got occured')
/** call the request by using send method */