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Name Script for inferring the genome reference from a vcf file. Works with genome ref grch37, grch38 and hg17.


This script allows to calculate the genome reference from a vcf file. The algorithm works as follows:

  • First we created 3 dictionaries (one for each of the three reference genomes hg17, grch37, grch38) consisting of SNP positions (chr, pos, ref) exclusive to each genome.
  • The script searches for matches in the 3 dictionaries and outputs a file (infer_ref) with the reference genome having more matches. We use a maximum of 10K variants and a maximum of 100 matches per chromosome.

Note that the script includes the dictionaries for inferring the genome reference.

How to run the script

Before running it for the first time you need to set the variable path_dic inside In the installation directory the dictionaries are inside a folder named ./ref_dics.

The script is written in Bash and uses standard bash commands. The script was tested on Debian-based (e.g., Ubuntu, Mint) distributions.

The script takes a VCF as input, however any tsv (consisting of CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF) will work as we only use columns 1,2 and 4 (we discard the header).

Please note that input vcf file has to be gzipped (or bgzipped).

bash /path/ input.vcf.gz

Once completed you should check if the number of matches in the inferred genome reference is enough for your purposes (displayed in *.final). Note that we set the minimum number of matches with the min_match variable.

Intermediate files (*matches* and *.variants*) are deleted by default at the end. Feel free to uncomment the line that deletes them (toward the end of the script) and explore their contents.

Notes on execution time

The script was built to be run in the EGA archive and we established our thresholds to provide enough confidence to infer genomes there.

The script speed scales almost linearly with the number of variants. With the default thresholds the (approximate) execution time is ~ 1 min * 1 Million variants.

The thresholds rand_var=10000, match=100 do not affect much the speed, yet you may want to tune them according to your needs.

Most the calculation times goes to reading/splitting the input file, thus, for very large VCFs you may want to downsample the number of variants prior to the calculation. For instance, you can run zgrep -v '^#' input.vcf.gz | awk 'NR % 10 == 0' | gzip > smaller.vcf.gz to print every 10th line, thus reducing the file size (and execution time) by a factor of 10.

Notes about finding matches on multiple reference genomes

The dictionary was built using SNPs only, thus, if your VCF contains complex INDELS then it is possible that get a few matches in more than one reference genome. Note that these matches will not affect the results for the final infered genome (infer_ref).

In any case, these cross-matches should disspear if you pre-filter your VCF to retain SNPs only. The simplest solution would be to fetch biallelic SNPs by using zgrep -v '^#' input.vcf.gz | awk 'length($4$5)==2' | gzip > snp_biallelic.vcf.gz. Alternatively, you can use BCFtools, which allows for more precise filtering.


Demo folder contains a subset of vcf from chromosome 22 from 1000 Genomes data for testing purposes.

  1. *.final: contains total number of matches for each genome reference.
  2. *.demo_subset.chr: file generated with the number of variants per chromosome present in the demo vcf.
  3. infer_ref: contains the inferred genome reference.
  4. log: A log file of the STDOUT.


Written by Dietmar Fernandez, PhD. Revised by Manuel Rueda, PhD. Info about EGA can be found at


This Bash script is copyrighted. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution.


Script to infer the reference genome from a VCF








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