Keep It Simple Stupid NETwork.
A lightweight, header only, crossplatform C++17 socket library.
Wrap all annoying C api calls to the OS inside a socket
template class
- Stupidly simple
- TCP socket
- UDP socket
- ipv4 and ipv6 support
- Error reporting with and without exceptions
- You can deactivate exception support. If you do so, library will by default log to
), and abort program - You can provide a custom error handling callback, and you can deactivate the automatic abort by the error handler
- You can deactivate exception support. If you do so, library will by default log to
- Communicate with buffers of C++17
- Manage required library (e.g. WinSock2) initialization and cleanup for you RAII style. Network is de-initialized when last socket object goes out of scope
- Use familiar names for socket operations as methods:
kissnet was desinged to be a slingle API for using low level tcp and udp sockets on any platform where you can run a modern C++ compiler. Kissnet currently supports
- Windows (via the WSA/WinSock2 libraries)
- Linux
- FreeBSD
- Haiku OS (needs to be linked to libnetwork. either use
target_link_libraries(target network)
with cmake, or -lnetwork in yoru compile command), networking will use the posix headers shiped with the OS, not the BeOS-like C++ network kit.
kissnet should probably work "as is" on other UNIX platform.
Volontary contrived examples showing how the library looks like:
You can take a look a some of the programs in the examples
- Basic client usage, tcp connect and read, udp send, udp read
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <kissnet.hpp>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
namespace kn = kissnet;
int main()
//Create a kissnet tco ipv4 socket
kn::tcp_socket a_socket(kn::endpoint(""));
//Create a "GET /" HTTP request, and send that packet into the socket
auto get_index_request = std::string{ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n" };
//Send request
a_socket.send(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(get_index_request.c_str()), get_index_request.size());
//Receive data into a buffer
kn::buffer<4096> static_buffer;
//Useless wait, just to show how long the response was
//Print how much data our OS has for us
std::cout << "bytes available to read : " << a_socket.bytes_available() << '\n';
//Get the data, and the lengh of data
const auto [data_size, status_code] = a_socket.recv(static_buffer);
//To print it as a good old C string, add a null terminator
if(data_size < static_buffer.size())
static_buffer[data_size] = std::byte{ '\0' };
//Print the raw data as text into the terminal (should display html/css code here)
std::cout << reinterpret_cast<const char*>( << '\n';
/*No more socket here, this will actually close WSA on Windows*/
//Socket used to send, the "endpoint" is the destination of the data
kn::udp_socket a_socket(kn::endpoint("", 6666));
//Socket used to receive, the "endpoint" is where to listen to data
kn::udp_socket b_socket(kn::endpoint("", 6666));
//Byte buffer
kn::buffer<16> buff;
//Build data to send (flat array of bytes
for(unsigned char i = 0; i < 16; i++)
buff[i] = std::byte{ i };
//Send data
a_socket.send(, 16);
//Same deal as above
//We do know, for the sake of the example, that there are 16 bytes to get from the network
kn::buffer<16> recv_buff;
//Actually print bytes_available
std::cout << "avaliable in UDP socket : " << b_socket.bytes_available() << " bytes\n";
//You receive in the same way
auto [received_bytes, status] = b_socket.recv(recv_buff);
const auto from = b_socket.get_recv_endpoint();
//Print the data
std::cout << "Received: ";
for(unsigned char i = 0; i < 16; i++)
std::cout << std::hex << std::to_integer<int>(recv_buff[i]) << std::dec << ' ';
//Print who send the data
std::cout << "From: " << from.address << ' ' << from.port << '\n';
//So long, and thanks for all the fish
return 0;
- TCP listener
#include <kissnet.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace kn = kissnet;
int main()
//setup socket
kn::socket<kissnet::protocol::tcp> server(kn::endpoint(""));
//Wait for one co
auto client = server.accept();
//Read once in a 1k buffer
kn::buffer<1024> buff;
const auto [size, status] = client.recv(buff);
//Add null terminator, and print as string
if(size < buff.size()) buff[size] = std::byte{ 0 };
std::cout << reinterpret_cast<const char*>( << '\n';
return 0;