Simple program made with NodeJS, Bootstrap and Databases MySql
Change Configuration on server.js to connect databases MySql
const db = mysql.createConnection({
Install Node JS
the version NodeJS is up to younpm i express mysql
install 2 dependent express and mysql for connection mysqlnpm i --save nodemon
install nodemon for start server.js otomatic if install successfuly then add in package.json "start": nodemon server.js"
int "scrpt" "start": nodemon server.js",
npm i body-parser
Install body-parser, body parser use for get data from form submit
npm init -y
create "package.json"touch server.js
create "file server.js"node server.js
running server if show alert (Server Ready...) then server is working- acces localhost:8000 open browser and search link "localhost:8000"
npm start
for start otomatic server.js (nodemon)
my referece to made this project 1.