Unique color palettes for data visualization and generative art. This is the library that underlies color-curves-app
An interactive editor is available at colorcurves.app. You may find it easiest to create palettes with the editor first, then bring them into your projects using this library (instructions for how to do so are in the application).
npm install color-curves -s
import { ColorPalette } from 'color-curves';
const ColorCurves = require('color-curves');
<script src="http://unpkg.com/color-curves"></script>
const palette = new ColorCurves.ColorPalette()
const hsCurve = new Exponential({ variation: 'in-out' });
const lCurve = new Polynomial({ variation: 'in', exponent: 2 });
const palette = new ColorPalette(hsCurve, lCurve, { start: 0.25, end: 0.75 });
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
palette.drawContinuousPalette(canvas, 128);
palette.drawDiscretePalette(canvas, 6);
Check out the full documentation