Universal scraping platform for news and comments
Create a ini-file in directory "targets" with parameters according to the template (see below) and just run "topnews". You can add/modify projects without writing any code inside using text-templates (the rules are based on the XPATH).
This is a example template for any scrapping project:
name = habr
description = top of week
enabled = 1
demo = 1
proxy = -1
scan_page_depth_max = 50
scan_article_score_min = 0
scan_comment_score_min = 0
block_pages_page = https://habr.com/ru/top/weekly/page%page_num%/
block_page_record = s.xpath('.//article[@class="post post_preview"]')
block_record_title = s.xpath('.//h2[@class="post__title"]/a[@class="post__title_link"]/text()')[0]
block_record_link = s.xpath('.//h2[@class="post__title"]//a[@class="post__title_link"]')[0].get('href')
block_record_score = int(s.xpath('.//span[@class="post-stats__result-counter voting-wjt__counter_positive "]//text()')[0])
block_record_date = s.xpath('.//span[@class="post__time"]//text()')[0]
block_record_author = s.xpath('.//span[@class="user-info__nickname user-info__nickname_small"]//text()')[0]
block_record_text = s.xpath('.//div[@class="post__body post__body_full"]')[0]
block_record_comments = s.xpath('.//div[@id="comments"]//div[@class="comment"]')
block_comment_title = None
block_comment_text = s.xpath('.//div[@class="comment__message "]//text()')[0]
block_comment_link = s.xpath('.//li[@class="inline-list__item inline-list__item_comment-nav"]//a[@class="icon_comment-anchor"]')[0].get('href')
block_comment_score = int(s.xpath('.//span[@class="voting-wjt__counter voting-wjt__counter_positive js-score"]//text()')[0])
block_comment_date = s.xpath('.//time[@class="comment__date-time comment__date-time_published"]//text()')[0]
block_comment_author = s.xpath('.//span[@class="user-info__nickname user-info__nickname_small user-info__nickname_comment"]//text()')[0]
Here you should set definitions for content blocks and parsing settings:
- name: name of your project
- description: description of your project
- enabled: if 1 will be run, otherwise it will be skipped
- demo: if 1 will be procced only one element of each target structure (good for debugging and testing rules)
- proxy: proxy server usage (-1 - No Proxy, 0 - TOR Proxy, 1 - Random Proxy)
- scan_page_depth_max, scan_article_score_min, scan_comment_score_min: limits for resource scraping (page depth, min. article score, min. comment score)
- block_*: block definition in XPATH format in block hierarchy:
block_pages > block_page_record > (block_record_title, ..., block_record_text) > block_record_comments > (block_comment_title, ..., block_comment_author)
You can create such files for each of your projects and start scraping simultaneously for all projects. Results will be in "output".