The new toolbox where selected plugins will be collected can be found here:
This is a toolbox with Fiji plugins for generic image processing, developed by the Scientific Computing Facility at the MPI-CBG Dresden. The plugins are distributed via the SCF_MPI_CBG update site.
Many of the plugins have not been used over the last years and slowly started to get outdated. Therefore, we decided to create an updated toolbox with only the subset of plugins that we actually use.
- Step 1: Transition phase (probably in second half of 2021)
- Old plugins will be moved to a deprecated subfolder in the Fiji menu.
- Plugins we intend to keep are shipped with the new toolbox and available in the main menu entries (like SCF>Labeling>SomePlugin)
- TODO: provide some more details on package and menu path naming here
IMPORTANT: If you use a plugin that only shows up in the *deprecated* subfolder and not the main menu get in touch with us (scicomp(at)! If we don't hear from you, we will remove the plugin in the next update iteration.
- Step 2: Removal of deprecated plugins (probably in 2022)
- All plugins of the old BioImageAnalysisToolbox will be removed and only the new toolbox with the plugins subset will be available.
- For details on what steps where done, please check the new repo.
- For developers: ToDo list and discussion on open questions is in the CBG gitlab (internal access only).
- Documentation of all plugins, including the deprecated ones can be found in the CBG wiki (account required):
- TODO: make documentation of kept plugins available publicly.