Git-vim provides:
Plugin files for calling git functions from inside Vim
Syntax files for git displays
- :GitAdd <file>
git-add <file> or current file if not specified.
- :GitRm <file>
git-rm <file> or current file if not specified.
- :GitCommit <args>
- :GitStatus
Show git-status of current file or repository.
- :GitLog
Show git-log of current file or repository.
- :GitCheckout <args>
git-checkout. Completes git commits.
- :GitDiff <args>
git-diff. Completes git commits.
- :GitPull <args>
- :GitPullRebase
git-pull –rebase.
- :GitPush <args>
git-push. Defaults to +git push origin <current-branch>+.
- :GitCatFile <args>
- :GitBlame
git-blame. Shows who is responsible for a change
- :Git <args>
Does any git command.
- :GitVimDiff <rev>
Enter vimdiff with another revision of the current file. Revision defaults to HEAD if not specified.
- :GitVimDiffMerge
Experimental. Call this command on unmerged file to enter vimdiff mode.
- :GitVimDiffMergeDone
Call this command after merging.
- <Leader>gd
- <Leader>gD
:GitDiff –cached
- <Leader>gs
- <Leader>gl
- <Leader>ga
- <Leader>gA
:GitAdd <cfile>
- <Leader>gr
- <Leader>gR
:GitRm <cfile>
- <Leader>gc
- <Leader>gb
The MIT License