- Apache
- PHP 5.2+ ** mcrypt ** gettext
- MySQL 5+
- Memcached (optional)
Example Ubuntu 9.10 package names apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php5 php5-mcrypt php-gettext php5-gd php5-mysql memcached php5-cli php5-memcache
Note: In general, files ending in "-dist" are meant to be copied to a local version without "-dist" and modified for your installation.
Create a MySQL database using application/config/sql/current.sql as schema
Copy htdocs/htaccess-dist to htdocs/.htaccess
- Edit htdocs/.htaccess to adjust RewriteBase if site base URL path is not '/'
- e.g. RewriteBase /2009/11/plugindir/htdocs/
- Optionally, you can do away with the .htaccess and move the rules to your main Apache config.
- Edit htdocs/.htaccess to adjust RewriteBase if site base URL path is not '/'
For a development installation, copy index.php-dev-dist to index.php
- This should leave error display and logging enabled
For a production/staging installation, copy index.php-prod-dist to index.php
- This should disable error display and logging, along with settings specified below.
Set up Apache config something like the following for a virtual host:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName dev.plugindir.mozilla.org DocumentRoot {plugindir path}/htdocs/ ErrorLog {plugindir path}/logs/error_log TransferLog {plugindir path}/logs/access_log <Directory {plugindir path}/htdocs/> AllowOverride all Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost>
Copy application/config/config-local.php-dist to application/config/config-local.php
- Change $config['core.site_protocol'] to 'http' or 'https', accordingly.
- Change $config['core.site_domain'] to match installation domain and base path.
- eg. if the site lives at http://dev.plugindir.mozilla.org/~lorchard/plugindir, change core.site_domain to dev.plugindir.mozilla.org/~lorchard/plugindir
- Modify $config['database.default'] to reflect your primary database connection
- Modify $config['database.shadow'] to reflect your read shadow database connection
- If there's no read shadow, delete the 'read_shadow' setting from the primary database config.
- If memcached is available:
- Delete the existing $config['cache.default']
- Uncomment the following $config['cache.default'] settings and associated memcache configurations settings.
- Modify the memcache settings accordingly
- For production / staging make these changes:
- core.internal_cache = 60
- core.internal_cache_key = (pick some random key, eg 'abs%^&27Abh11@')
- core.log_threshold = 0
- core.display_errors = FALSE
- core.render_stats = FALSE
Make these directories exist and are writable by Apache:
- application/logs
- application/cache
- application/cache/twig
Run this to import initial plugin definitions:
php htdocs/index.php util/import plugins-info/*json
- You may need to do this as the Apache user, or another user in same group.
- This will attempt to write to the same logs, caches, etc as the web app.
- Watch application/logs/(date).log.php for errors
Creating the initial admin user:
php htdocs/index.php util/createlogin admin lorchard@mozilla.com admin
- First argument is the login name (ie. 'admin')
- Second argument is a valid email address (ie. 'lorchard@mozilla.com')
- Third argument is the access role for the user (ie. admin, editor, member)
Note the password generated and displayed on a successful new login creation:
Profile ID 10 created for 'admin4' Password: wxg3qav
(optional) To run tests (requires PHP CLI):
- Create another MySQL database just for tests
- Copy config-testing.php-dist to config-testing.php
- Modify config-testing.php as above, substituting test database details
- To list available test groups:
php htdocs/index.php phpunit/group
- Try running the plugin model tests:
php htdocs/index.php phpunit/group/models.plugindir.plugin
To update locales after code / template changes:
php htdocs/index.php util/compiletemplates
To compile messages after localization work:
- See: https://wiki.mozilla.org/PFS2#Request_Parameters
- Example query:
curl -sD - 'http://dev.plugindir.mozilla.org/pfs/v2?mimetype=application%2Fx-shockwave-flash+application%2Ffuturesplash&appID=%7Bec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384%7D&appRelease=3.5.5&appVersion=20091102134505&clientOS=Intel+Mac+OS+X+10.6&chromeLocale=en-US'