Interact is just a simple social media web app like (eg. facebook, twitter, etc) created using new Laravel Version 7.11 the purpose is just for learning web (development) project using laravel framework, it's may just using pure patterns for starter and you are free to create your own project by learning the source codes explicitly
Please free configure .env your app and run the command like below
- Fork this repository for new update
- Open your command line and move to the local path you want to install
- Clone ~
- create new database name
- setting .env for your database
- update ~
composer update
- composer dump-autoload
- php artisan optimize
- php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
- php artisan serve
- type localhost:8000 on the browser
- welcome to interact
setting environment eg: .env (is your choice) please check the documentation on
After you create migration, please ensure your database like below
- username : on below
- password : interact
if you want to create new account, you must install local 'email server' for such as notification
- Authorization
- Authentication
- Validation
- Verification
- Notification
- Custom Models
- Database Relations
- Query Builder
- Styling Route
- Console
- Stub
- Session
- Migrations
- Seeding
- Factory
- Observers
- Scopes
- Requests
- Resources
- View
- Blade Template
- Handle JSON
- Javascript
- Contribution
- Testing
- Etc
You don't need to run basic api like eg. http://localhost/api/ please see here or
php artisan route:list
- new PHP v7.3+
- new PHPUnit v7.5
- new Laravel v7.11
Please visit:
Welcome for any contributions, please Pull request manually
Feel free to contribute by create new trait with command on below
php artisan make:contrib yourname/traitname
Feel free to contribute by create new class, please use --c
with command on below
php artisan make:contrib yourname/classname --c
© is released under the MIT public license.