Releases: mouse0270/lib-themer
Releases · mouse0270/lib-themer
Version 1.0.12 - Wait so you wanted the module to work? Weird...
- Fixed an issue that caused missing images when using libThemer with the PF2e Dorako UI Theme
Version 1.0.11 - Opt-in Loading Screen
- Changed the loading overlay to opt-in instead of opt-out. My apologizes to those who were annoyed by it.
- Also moved setting to client, so individual users can decide if they want to use it or not.
- Moved the
for PF2e Dorako UI closer to the top, as this variable is used for the app background for this UI
Version 1.0.10 - Wait, I am Loading...
- Added Loading Overlay to mark theme transition smoother between Foundry and libThemer
- You can disable this in the settings of libThemer
- Moved Player CSS variables to Core libThemer, users will no longer need to enable Tidy Sidebar Chat to get these variables
- Fixed D&D5e Char Card Header Colors
- Fixed Module Management window using
text color instead ofcontrast
text colors - Added PF2e Dorako UI Theme Frosted Glass Theme Options
Version 1.0.9 - PF2e System and PF2e Dorako UI Theme Support
- Added Settings to allow users to adjust the CSS variables for the PF2e System
- Added Settings to allow users to adjust the CSS variables for the PF2e Dorako UI Module
Version 1.0.8 - Tidy Chat
- Added a Chat Card theme design stolen from Luckas on Discord... It was too pretty not to steal.
- Has two settings, one for the border radius of the chat cards and the other if the chat card should be brought to the front when hovered over.
- Added CSS Variables for Player Color
variables- These CSS variables will update anytime a player changes their color for live changes to any UI using them
- Fixed Chat Textarea not getting themed in
Foundry Colorized
.... Sorry this took so long... - Some minor fixes to Chat Card CSS Buttons and headers...
Not really required but I found the best way to use is to do something like the following
on your element define a css variable like--player-color: var(--player-color-PLAYERID, DEFAULT_COLOR);
this way in your CSS you just have to dovar(--player-color)
Here is sample code for how its used in the Tidy Sidebar Chat
// On Load of libThemer Logic
// Get Chat Cards and Set Player Color
document.querySelectorAll('#sidebar #chat .chat-message').forEach((elem) => {
// Loop through all messages that existed before libThemer was laaded
let message = game.messages.get(elem.dataset.messageId);
// Set the Player Color'--player-color', `var(--player-color-${}, ${message.user.color})`);
// On New Chat Cards set Player Color
Hooks.on('renderChatMessage', async (chatMessage, [elem], data) => {
// Hey, a new message! Lets set the Player Color'--player-color', `var(--player-color-${}, ${data.user.color})`);
Version 1.0.7 - v11 Probably...
- Fixed an issue with the default fonts not being wrapped in quotes and breaking fonts with spaces such as Font Awesome 6 Pro
- Removed
and setcompatibility.verified
Version 1.0.6 - Image Patches
- stylesheets are now placed before libThemers style element so that the settings will always take effect.
- Added reset to default for Images
- Added logic to handle if image uses a css variable instead of a url
Version 1.0.5 - QOL Stuff
- Blatantly copied TyphonJS StyleManager Logic to move css variables
element tostyle
element. - Fixed Localization for Activating Preset.
- Updated TidyHUD
- Broke Options into individual togglable options
- Added the ability to align the hotbar
- Added the option to expand player UI when showing offline Players
- Updated Collapsible Button to a plus and minus
- Added the ability to click on the title to open and collapse.
- Fixed resetting default color when not using lib - Color Settings from setting color to black
- Updated Presets to only Save values that are not defaults
- Added two Default Presets
version 1.0.4 - GM Theme
- Fixed issue with GM Theme not hiding Configure Theme Button with Fantasy RPG UI
- Fixed GM Theme not applying to user when logging into world
- Updated GM Theme logic to only update changed setting on players end, This should make it more efficient when changing settings
version 1.0.3 - You can't replace Integers with a string...
- Fixed
control not working correctly if default was set to a value that wasn't a string.