The VSTS CLI is a tool for working with VSTS from a terminal environment. Its intent is to help with the more used functions that a developer would be using on a day to day basis. All commands start with vsts
then followed by the primary argument
VSTS CLI uses a personal access token that you can create in your VSTS profile. This token, along with some other profile information is stored in a .config
directory in your profile root.
Since VSTS is a project first based service versus a repo first service like GitHub. This means that a single project can have multiple repostiories so the VSTS Cli configuration file has some hierarchy to it. The primary concept is that it will have a high level project with a repository collection where a repository is registred with a directory on your file system. All of which are per VSTS account such as:
- Configuration
- Account Alpha
- Repo-1
- Repo-2
- Account Beta
- Repo-1
- Repo-2
- Account Charlie
- Repo-1
- Repo-2
- Account Alpha
For the inital first run you will need:
- Your name as it is set in your VSTS account. This is for work item queries.
- A personal access token which is used to authencate API requests
Usage: vsts [options] [command]
-? | -h | --help Show help information
browse launches the default browser to the VSTS project root
builds commands for working with VSTS build definitions
code launches the default browser to the current repos code dashboard
pullrequests commands for working with VSTS pull requests
workitems commands for working with VSTS work items
Use "vsts [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usage: vsts browse [arguments] [options]
dashboard General dashboard to view. Opionts are builds, releases, workitems, pullrequests or testmanagement
-? | -h | --help Show help information
Usage: vsts builds [options] [command]
-? | -h | --help Show help information
logs view latest build log for build definition
queue commands for queueing a new build definition
Use "builds [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usage: vsts builds logs [options]
--id build definition id
--detail show the log file for the build
-? | -h | --help Show help information
Usage: vsts builds queue [options]
--id build definition id
-? | -h | --help Show help information
Usage: vsts code [options]
-? | -h | --help Show help information
Usage: vsts pullrequests [arguments] [options] [command]
pull request identifier pull request id to browse to
-? | -h | --help Show help information
create commands for creating a pull request
Use "pullrequests [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usage: vsts pullrequests create [options]
-? | -h | --help Show help information
--title pull request title [required]
--description pull request description
--source source branch
--target target branch
Usage: vsts workitems [arguments] [options] [command]
work item identifier work item id or type, such as epic, user story, task or bug
--states filter by states such as new, active, resolved, closed or removed
--tags filter by any tag that assigned to work items
--description include description
--my only return open work items assigned to me
--browse browse specific work item in VSTS
-? | -h | --help Show help information
add command for adding new work items to the current project
Use "workitems [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usage: vsts workitems add [options]
--workitemtype work item type [required]
--title work item title [required]
--description work item description
--priority work item priority
--tags work item tags
-? | -h | --help Show help information