Advanced Flash Extension for TurboGears 2 that supports template customization and displaying multiple flash messages in one request.
Install with easy_install
Use in your controller like
from tg import TGController, expose, tmpl_context
from tgext.flash import flash
class BlaController(TGController):
def _before(self, *args, **kw):
tmpl_context.flash = flash
def index(self):
flash("First message", "ok")
flash("<b>Second</b> message", "warning", no_escape=True)
return dict(...)
and in your (Mako) template like:
${c.flash() | n}
- Monkeypatching
- Maybe use
- Allow customization (templates) per app_config
- Allow real templates to be used
- Make JS stuff working
- Consider making the flash object a ToscaWidgets widget to have their rendering engine bindings